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l^orksbire parisb IRegister Society.


5ssue& to Subscribers for tbe Kear 1909.




St. martin, Coney Street.



Transcribed and Edited by ROBERT BEILBY COOK, LL.B. (Inter.).



PROVO. UTAH "^^^^^^


When the Yorkshire Parish Register Society commenced its work by the publication in 1899 of the Parish Registers of St. Michael le Belfrey, York, the Editor of the first volume, in his preface, claimed precedence for that parish on account of its connection with the Minster, and prominent position in the York social world of former days. Now, that after a lapse of ten years devoted to the publication of Registers all over the County, the Society has decided to publish the Registers of another York Parish, similar reasons may be given for selecting the Parish of St. Martin, Coney Street, as the next to be dealt with of the many City Parishes. Just as the Minster stands in the Parish of St. Michael le Belfrey, so the Mansion House and Guildhall stand in that of St. Martin, and if the former was pre-eminent in the ecclesiastical life of the City, the latter was no less intimately associated with its civic and social life. Thus, the names of several Lord Mayors, Recorders, and others, celebrated among the civil authorities of the City, will be found in this volume, and it is interesting to notice, now that the custom has fallen into desuetude, that the quaint old rhyme : —

' ' My Lord is a Lord for a year and a day, But she is a Lady for ever and aye,"

is fully borne out by several entries in these Registers where the Ladies Brooke, Cornwell, Maye, Towne, and others, are given that title at their deaths many years after holding office.

Prominent, too, are the records of many families of high position in the County, who had town houses in York — some in Coney Street and Lendal — just as it is still the custom of notable county families to maintain a town house in the larger London of to-day. Among York residences of this kind may be mentioned that of the Barley's, of Aldby, which was situate in Coney Street, and after being tenanted by Barnard Ellis, Esq. , Recorder, Mrs. Mathew, the widow of Archbishop Toby Matthews, Alderman James Brooke, his son Sir John Brooke, and their descendants, is now occupied by Mr. T. Wilson, stationer, and where the beautiful old ceilings are still preserved. Records of the above families, when they inhabited this house, occur many times in the following Registers, as do also several references to the well-known Yorkshire names of Constable, Fairfax, Frankland, Ingleby, Sheffield, Vavasor, and Wentworth, besides many others. Of local interest, particularly, are the entries relating to Sir Thomas Widdrington, the celebrated Commonwealth Recorder of the City, whose MS. History of York, rejected by a soulless Corporation, became the foundation for the monumental " Eboracum" of Drake.

As to the name of the Church and Parish, it is well known that it existed prior to the Norman Conquest, for in the Domesday Inquest of 1087, occurs the sentence **Gospatrick habet ecclesiam Sancti Martini in Conyng strete." Of course, the present ** Coney Street" is simply a corruption of the Anglo-Saxon "Conyng" or King Street ; but this corruption seems to be of considerable age, for nowhere in these Registers is the older form of the name to be found, while examples of the


variant spellings, Cone, Coni, Conye, and Cunneye, frequently occur. The street contained the chief York Inns, and of these the three most celebrated were the Black Swan, the George, and the Three Conyes. Of these, the Black Swan alone remains, with something like the glory of past reputation still clinging around it to-day ; the George, a famous hostelry of former times, well known by Cave's beautiful drawing of its exquisite Gothic archway, was ruthlessly demolished to make room for modern drapery about fifty years ago ; while the Three Conyes has belonged to the past long before living memory. Strange to say, Drake refers to it as the "Three Crowns," but the references in St. Martin's Registers are distinctly to the "Three Conyes," and thereby hangs the interesting tale of a name corruption similar to that of the street itself, for we cannot doubt that the name originally had reference to the Three Kings of Eastern scriptural fame.

Hard by the Church of St. Martin, Coney Street, stand to-day the printing offices of the Yorkshire Herald, and it would seem that the Parish has long been the home of the Press in York, for the names Caesar Ward, Caesar Peacock, and William Blanchard, connected with the York Coiiranf, which preceded the Herald of to-day, will be seen many times in this volume.

The Parish Registers of St. Martin, Coney Street, commence in I557> and are here transcribed up to the year 1812, when a new Act of Parliament regulating the keeping of such Registers all over the Country came into force. They are contained during that period in seven books, which may be briefly summarized as follows : —

Book I, the oldest, is a folio consisting of paper leaves, and commencing with Christenings on the 4th October, 1557. These are continued to the 28th February, 1687 — 8, when the Marriages are entered from 3rd October, I557> to loth January, 1687—8. Then follow the Burials, which begin on the 30th August, 1557, the earliest date in the book, with the burial of " Sir Robert ffoxe, our parsonn," and continue to the 6th April, 1687, when they cease. The entries are written in English through- out, and in a fairly good hand. After the commencement of Book II, under the Commonwealth rkgime, the same entries continued to be made in this book, though towards the end of the time covered they assume more and more the character of hastily scribbled copies.

Book II, is a folio of parchment leaves (with paper ones inserted) commencing, at the time of the Commonwealth change, on the 22nd September, 1653, when an official Registrar was appointed in lieu of the old ecclesiastical authorities. Fortunately, in the case of St. Martins, this official was the ci-devant Parish Clerk (Robert Marsh), so that the work of keeping the Register continued without break with the addition of the new requirements of the law. This volume commences with Baptisms, which are continued over the Restoration period to the 24th October, 1680. Then follow Marriages from 26th September, 1654, to 26th August, 1680, and Burials from 23rd September, 1653, to nth November, 1680, when the entries cease. After this time the bulky parchment Register, or Book III, becomes the chief, and for over a century the sole authority.

Book III is a stout quarto volume consisting entirely of parchment leaves. All the entries in Book I are here repeated, but in many cases without descriptions of trade or calling. The volume commences with a table of " Fees due to the Minester and Clarke I557»" from which it is interesting to learn that the Judges were expected to give, '' if they come to our Church," 5s. od., and the Sheriffs also 5s. od. The Baptisms in this book are continued to the end of 1763, as are also the Marriages and Burials, although a special new Marriage Register book commences in 1754.


Book IV is a Marriage Register only, being one of the printed folio books of forms issued by Thos. Lowndes, bookseller, London, so often found among Parish Registers. These contain spaces for description of parties, date, whether by banns or licence, and the signatures of the officiating Minister, parties, and witnesses. Each form is numbered, and the 383 entries extend from 4th June, 1754, to 4th April, 1 80 1, when all the forms in the book were exhausted.

Book V is a folio of parchment leaves in which Baptisms from 1st February, 1784, to 6th July, 1806, are entered at one end of the book, and, at the other end. Burials from 30th January, 1784, to 20th May, 1806. It is written throughout in an unusually good hand, and after the Burials are entered four or five Parish Terriers, the oldest of which, dated 17th May, 1764, is here transcribed. The others, taken in 1786, 1809, and after the limits of this volume, are very similar in character.

Book VI is a folio Marriage Register only, consisting of printed forms similar to Book IV. It is, however, much larger in size, measuring 19 x 13 inches, and contains four forms on a page. Out of 188 pages only 26 are used, in which are entered 102 Marriages, from 14th May, 1801, to 30th November, 1812, after which a new and different style of book was adopted.

Book VII (which completes the series here transcribed) is a Register of Baptisms and Burials, printed in the Statutory form. The Baptisms are placed at one end of the book and the Burials at the other. Columns are provided, in the former case for child's christian name and surname, father's name and parentage, mother's name and parentage, date of birth, and date of baptism — particulars which will rejoice the soul of the genealogist. The Baptisms entered are from August, 1806, to December, 1812. The Burial Register has also columns giving christian and surname, parentage, dates of death and burial and distemper, and the entries extend from 15th April, 1806, to 31st December, 181 1, when a new book was adopted, several leaves in the middle of this volume remaining unused.

All the books are well preserved, and bound in substantial leather bindings.

The best thanks of the Society are due to the Rev. George Trundle, M.A., the Vicar of the Parish, for permission to print the Registers, and also for his courtesy in giving every facility to the Editor for transcribing the books.

The succession of Vicars of the Church during the period of time covered by the Registers is as follows : —

1557. Robert Foxe (buried 30th August. Regr.)

IS57-. Will. Dakyns (instituted 3rd September. Torre).

Thomas Grayson (buried 8th December, 1578. Regr.)

1578. James Foxgale (inst. 9th September. Torre. Buried, see Regr.)

1614. Thomas Haynes ( ,, 15th December. ,, ,, »» )

1620. John Johnson ( ,, 17th January. ,, ,, ,, )

1634. Will. Smyth, M.A. (inst. nth March. Torre).

1635. Arthur Scott, S.T.B. (inst. 24th September. Torre. Buried, see Regr.) 1640. Will. Smyth, M.A. (inst. 23rd May. Torre.)

1644. William Corney (see Regr., p. lOO. Not in Torre). 1661. Matthew Bigg (inst. 21st February. Torre). 1666. Joshua Stopford (inst. 26th March. Torre. Buried, see Regr.) 1675. Will. Staynforth ( ,, 29th October. ,, ,, „ )

1715. Valentine Nalson, M.A. (died 27th, buried 28th February, 1722—3, at St. Martin's).



John Wright.


Richard Warnford (inst.

14th June. Dean and Chapter Act Book.)


Joseph Bridges ( ,,

15th December. ,, ,, )


Richard Forrest ( ,,

17th March. ,, ,, )


Thomas Pickard ( ,,

i8th April. ,, ,, )


James Richardson ( ,,

29th August. ,, „ )


William Bulmer ( ,,

nth November. ,, >> )

By way of carrying further back the Burial records of the Parish, this is a fitting place in which to give a list of persons who by Will desired to be buried in the Church or Churchyard prior to the commencement of the Registers. These names are taken in a few cases from the Torre MSS. and other sources, but chiefly from the first four volumes of Wills in the York District Registry, which I have personally examined. A more detailed examination of the vols. 5 to 15 than I have been able to make, would probably yield further names, especially in the first half of the l6th century, and the decades immediately preceding the commencement of the Parish Registers.


1349. Tho. de Ludham, Vicar (founder of a Chantry in the Church).

1359- Ralph de Drayton, Vicar.

1361. Will, de Driffeld, Chaplain.

1387. Tho. de Thorp, Chaplain of Chantry, B.V.M.

1390. Thomas Gretheued, York.

1390. Emmota Page, servant to Kath. Lakensuyder, York.

1390. Roger de Moreton, mercer.

1390. Robert del Grene, barbor.

1 39 1. Adam Parkour, Chaplain. 1391. Henry de Yarom, draper.

1394. Kath. Lakensuyder (of Conyng strete).

1394- Will, de Feriby, Rector of Middilton (Torre).

1395. Eliz. wife of Will, de Haitefeld, vynter.

1395- Cecilia de Yarom.

1395. Margary West.

1396. Adam Fournevall, Chaplain. 1398. Constantine del Dame, apothecary. 1398. Laurance Laukeland, littestor. 1398. John de Calthorn, armerer.

1398. Ric. de Roderham.

1399. Beatrix, wife of Robert Broun.

1399- Thomas Smyth, merchant (Lord Mayor, 1390).

1400. Margaret, wife of Thos. del More.

1403. Ralph de Bechom, cook (next to wife Agnes).

1404. Isabel, wife of John de Rumby, sausmaker. 1404. Thomas Feryby.

1404. Will, de Scardeburgh, cook.

1404. Edmund de Cottesbroke, merchant (Sheriff, 1401).

1406. Joan, relict of Thomas de Feryby.

1408. John Robynson, als. Coupland.

1408. John Warden.

1 42 1. Miles de Warnefeld, Chaplain.

1425. Robert Appilton, Vicar.


1426. Will. Semer, sadiller.

1426. Matilda, wife of Hugh Marschall.

1427. John Rumby, sawcemaker (before the font). 1427. Adam Barbour.

1427. Will. Newland, draper.

1428. John Kyrkby, littester (in choir). 1428. Isabel Cawod.

1428. Esota Foxholes (before altar St. Nicholas).

1428. John Laxton, citizen.

1429. Ric. Vender, spycer.

1430. Adam Wartre, spurryer. 1430. Robt. Mathew, sadler. 1430. Peter Upstall, merchant.

1430. Alice, relict of Peter Upstall (in choir B.V.M.)

143 1. Robert Doufe, lyttester,

1432. Agnes, relict of Thos. Bussy, draper (under stone Ric. Roderham). 1432. Will. Wrawby, vynter.

1432. Gilbert Dorem, skynner.

1433. Thomas Wederby, citizen.

1434. Edmund Barneburgh, sadler. 1434. John del Hall, cook.

1435- John Beverley, mony maker.

1436. Richard Darley, sadiller.

1437. Alice Bareboure, widow.

1437. Will, son of John Kirkeby, littester.

1437. Robert Dote, taillour.

1438. Will. Ledale, Parish Chaplain.

1438. Will. Bedale, merchant (Lord Mayor, 1437).

1438. Alan del Kill, merchant (next John Kirkeby, wife's father).

1438. John Baynbrigg, brasyer.

1438. John Darras, broudester.

1440. Thomas Spenser, sadeller.

1441. John Carnaby, Chaplain.

1442. Cecilia Walker.

1442. Ric. Newland, senr., tailler.

1442. John Northfolk, skinner.

1443. Maurice Symondson, taillor. 1443. Will. Lillyng, Chaplain.

1443. Robert Semar, Vicar (builder of West window).

1444. Will. Dighton, bakster.

1445. Agnes, relict of Will. Dalton, merchant.

1446. Henry Waythman, litster.

1446. John Hill, son of Alan Hill, merchant.

1447. Joan Bedale, daughter of Will. Bedale, merchant.

1447. Edmund de la Pole, Esq. (under stone of John Brathwayt, who was Lord Mayor, 1393).

145 1. Alice de la Pole, widow of Edmund (in choir St. Thomas, Cant.)

1452. John Upstall, merchant.

1453' John Marshall, cook (in choir B.V.M.)

1455. Robert Belton, apothecary (in chancel B.V.M.)

1456. Thomas Sargeantson, citizen. 1456. Thomas Byngley, sherman.


1458. Joan Ercewike, widow (next Walter, husband).

1459. Richard Bagley, draper.

1463. Agnes Sergeantson, widow.

1464. Alice Byngley, widow (next Thomas, husband).

1465. Joan Burton, widow (next Roger, husband). 1468. Laurence Damysell, cook (in churchyard). 1468. Joan Damysell, relict of above.

1468. Robert Pottow, cook (near holy water font).

1471. Will. Mawneby, sporier.

1471. Will. Clerkson (of Conyng stret).

1473. Walter Graystok, cellerer.

1473. John Swaith.

1474. John Colyer, loksmith.

1474. Agnes Marshall, widow (in nave).

1477. Will. Vescy, merchant.

1478. John Gaunton

1480. Thomas Williamson, sporier.

1480. Nich. Bewyk, vynter (in choir B.V.M.)

1481. Thomas Hogeson, armourer.

1482. Thomas Thirske, scissor (tailor). 1482. John Walding, sporier.

1484. Richard Redelissh, yoman (in chancel St. Thomas, martyr).

1484. John Held, citizen.

1485. Hen. Heex, yoman. 1485. Tho. Gill, sadler. 1485. Lau. Wildeman, tailyor. 1485. Isab., relict Tho. Gill. 1485. Marjory Grenebank. 1485. Thomas Fiyston.

i486. Thomas Baxster, clerk, of Gild of St. Christopher and St. George (in choir).

1487. Ellen Hekes, widow.

1488. Thomas Alan, sadler.

1489. Agnes Sheene, widow. 1489. John Bell, tailyor (in nave). 1493. William Akers of this parish. 1493. Thomas Pereson.

1495. Richard Clark, hosier (in chapel B.V.M. ).

1497- Pereson, relict of Thomas Pereson.

1497. Richard Scot, merchant (in alley next closet of St. Katherine).

1503. Luke Laurence (" Conyng strett ").

1504. Roger Brear (" Cony strett").

1505. James Sheffeld ("Coning streett").

1506. Roland Richardson (" Cony strett "). 1506. Will. Mason, hosyer (" Cony strett ").

1506. Rauff Scolthorpe (" Cony strett ").

1507. Robert Tyrrell, parish clerk of St. Martyne in Cony strett. I $08. Willm. Skypton, cytener and taylyor.

1508. Sir John Gye, parish Chaplain.

1509. Elizabeth Mason, wife of Willm. Mason, deed. 1513. Richerd Makeblith.

1518. Richard Caterton.

1520. Robert Fournes (" Conyng streite ").


1520. Sir Robert Nicolson, Chaplain (" Conyiig streite").

1 52 1. Sir John Moselay, Chaplain.

1522. John Baiteman, notary public, Conyng strete. 1522. Thomas Hall, Conyng strete.

1522. William Hall, bladesmyth, Conyng strete.

1523. John Acome als. Pereson.

1523. James Bland, barbitonsor (within St. Anne's porch).

1528. Thomas Parcour, drapour and Alderman (Lord Mayor 1520) Adm. to Henry

Fawkes, gentn.

1533. Robert Lowder, " Conyng stret."

1533. Thomas Londe, "Cony stret."

1537. Margaret Harbotell, widow.

1538. James Karlell, draper.

1539. John Harper.

1540. Henry Jakson, Priest. 1542. Edward Bank.

1542. John Goodyere.

1542. William Foster (near the thanking stall).

1545. Thomas Flemynge (in churchyard).

ROBERT B. COOK, 44, St. John Street, York, Editor.

October, 1909.





BOOK I. Christeninges.

1557- Adam Alleley was xpned the fourth day of October in the yeare of our

lord god 1557. W""- hutchenson the xxvij'^ day of November. Ehzabeth wihiian the xiij'^ day of January. George ffoxegayle the ix'^ day of february. Reynold Clayton the xxv^*^ day of Marche.

1558. Xpofer Ibson was xpned the first day of June. Anne Gilmin the xiij^^ day of June. George Bewley the xxj'^ (j^y Qf July. Bridgit Scott the xviij*'^ day of August, hewgh haxeby the xij^^ day of September. Wâ„¢- hobson the xxiiij^^ day of September. Richerd ffoxegayle the xiij^^ (j^y of february. Edmund Carr the sixt day of Marche. Cecilye staveley the x*^ day of March.

1559. , Agnes lambe was baptized the xv^^ day of April!. Rebecca Dave, the third day of May. Elizabeth Ayneley the xvj^^ day of May. Ehzabeth Goodyeare the xxij'^ day of May. Agnes Udall the second day of July. Agnes hutchenson the xxiij'^ day of August. Margaret gilmin the xxix^'^ day of October. Richerd Scott the xviij'^ day of November. Anne wilman the v*^^ day of January. Alice Coy 11 the xxvj'^ day of ffebruary,

1560. Alice Staveley was baptized the xxxj'"^ day of March. Agnes bowman the xxvj^'^ day of Aprill. Mariery Judson the xxv'^ day of May. ffrancis Parker the xiij^^ day of June. John Goodyeare the xix^^ day of August.


2 ST. martin's (yORK) REGISTERS.

Bartholomew hinchcliflf the xxiiij^^ day of August. Alice Ayneley the xx'^ day of September. Thomas Standeven the xxviij'^ day of September. Margaret Bewley the xxxj'^ day of September. Thomas hobson the xxiiij^^ day of November. Alison [d/ank] the xviij'^ day of December. Anne langton the xxij'^ day of December. Elizabeth Stubbes the xxxj'^ day of December.

1561 Xpneninges. lancelot thorpe was baptized the v^^ day of July, margaret hutchenson the v^^ day of Julye. Richerd Goodyeare the v^^ day of October. James Dixon the ix^^ day of November. Alice Scott the xxx^^ day of November. Anne gray the xiiij^^ day of December, henry wilman the first day of february. Johaii marshall the xxij'^ day of March.

1562. George hobson was baptized the xxix^^ day of March. Margaret Adison the xij^^ ^^^y of Aprill. Thomas Cresweeke the second day of August. Thomas goodyeare the vj^^ day of September. Elizabeth Cawverd the xiij^^ day of September. Eliz. Staveley the xj'^ day of October. Mary bewley the xviij*^ day of October, ffrances Johnson the viij^^ day of November. Leonerd Cauverd the first day of January. Thomas Udall the vj^^ day of January.

1563. John Ayneley was baptized the vij^^ day of Marche. Jane Judson the xviij^^ day of Julye. Elizabeth Adison the v^^ day of September. Isabell langton the xxvij^^ day of September. Alice Goodyeare the third day of October, katherayne Scott the vij^^ day of November. EUener Staveley the xijth day of December. Agnes bewley the xxvj'^ day of December. Alice Plattes the v^^ day of January.

1564. Mary Ayneley was baptized the xxvj'^ day of March. Robt, Dixon the first day of Aprill. Ellener Richerdson the xxv'^ ^ay of Aprill. Elizabeth Pulleyne the xxiij'^ day of July. Anne Goodyeare the first day of October. Xpofer Beisley the xviij'^ day of October. Jane Avelocke the first day of November. Jane Staveley the first day of November. Alice langton the xj^'^day of November. Philipe Wilman the xxx^^ day of November. Edmunde hobson the third day of March.

ST. martin's (york) registers. 3

1565 Xpneninges. Thomas Ayneley was baptized the xiij^^ day of May. Jane Bowman the xxiij^^ day of June. Elizabeth Bowman the xxiij^'^ day of June. AHce hinchdiff the xxix'^^ (j^y of July, humphrey kiddall the iiij^*^ day of August. Thomas Addison the iiij^^ day of August. Reynold Bewley the iiij^^ day of August. Richard Udall the xv^^ day of September. Reynold Beisley the xxx'^ day of November, katherayne dixon the xxiij^^ day of November. Dorathee Goodyeare the iij^^^ ^j^y of March.

1566. Thomas PuUeyne was baptized the xxviij^^ day of Aprill. katherayne lame the vij'^ day of July, henry Ayneley the iiij'^ day of August. Agnes Avelocke the xvij'^ day of August. Thomas Carleill the xxiiij'^ day of August. Charles metcalfe the xxiiij''^ day of August. Barbara langton the first day of September. Margaret bewley the viij'^^ day of September. Jeffrey Plattes the second day of february. Xpofer Goodyeare the second day of february. Henry Stubbes the xxiij^'^ day of february. Jane tirry the second day of March.

1567- Jane Pulleyne was baptized the xx"^^ day of Aprill. Anne Scott the xxij*^^ day of June. John kiddall the xiij^^ day of July. Edward Metcalfe the xiij^^ day of Julye. W""- Parker the third day of August. W""- Scotson the xxj^^ day of September. W"*- Scawby the xij^*^ day of October. Christian Adison the xviij^h day of October. Johan wilman the xj'^ day of January. Adam Ramshawe, sonne to Tho. Ramshaw cooke to M"^- D. Rokeby,

was baptized the xviij"^^ day of January. Henry Dixon the first day of ffebruary. Robt. watter sonne of Peter watter the xiiij'h of M^ch.

1568. henry knowles, sonne of Richerd knowles, was baptized the second day

of May. Robert Robinson, sonne of Thomas Robinson, the second day of May. Rauff goodyeare, sonne of John Goodyeare, the xvj'^ day of May. Xpofer Staveley, sonne of Thomas Staveley, the vij'"^ day of June. Edward Pulleyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, the xiijt'^ day of June. Anne hessilwood, doughter of W"^- Hessilwood, the xviij*^ day of Julye. Jane Metcalfe, doughter of Thomas Metcalfe, the xxxj^^ day of October. W"- tayler, sonne of Richerd tayler, the first day of January. Jane Parker, doughter of John Parker, the xxvij^^ day of february.

4 ST. martin's (York) registers.

1569 Xpneninges. Phillis hessilwood, doughter of W'"- heslewood, was baptized the v^^^day

of June. Mariery langton, doughter of Wâ„¢- langton, the x'^ day of July, ffrancis tirry, sonne of Oliver tirry, the xxviij'^ day of August. Susanna kiddall, doughter of W-"- kiddall, the ix^^ day of October. John Pulleyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, the ix^^ day of October. Jane goodyeare, doughter of John Goodyeare, the xxviij'^ day of October, henry Scotson, sonne of George Scotson, the v*'^ day of february. John Adison, sonne of John Adison, the xij'^"' day of february.

1570. Anne Judson, doughter of VV"^- Judson, was baptized the xvj'^ day of Aprill.

John Cornishe, sonne of James Cornishe, the vij'^ day of May.

W"â„¢- Robinson, sonne of Thomas Robinson, the xvj^^ day of May.

Charles Bacheler, sonne of Charles Bacheler, the vj'^ day of August.

Oswald langton, sonne of W""- langton, Baker, was baptized in the yeare

of our lord god 1570. Elizabeth Baynebrige, doughter of Edward Baynebrige, the xvij^^ day

of September. W"- goodyeare, sonne of John goodyeare, the xxix^^ day of September. Nicholas Dixon, sonne of Robert Dixon, Joyner, the xxix^^ day of

October. \Vm. Pulleyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, the v^'^ day of November. Thomas Barker, sonne of Thomas Barker, m'^chant, the third day of

December. Edward Bussy, sonne of John Bussye, Joyner, the xij^^ day of November. Elizabeth Parker, Doughter of John Parker, notary, the xxj^^ day of

January, henry Metcalfe, sonne of Thomas Metcalfe, notary, the xviij'^ day of


1571. John Avelocke, sonne of Nicholas Avelocke, was baptized the y}^ day

of June. Anne goodwyne, doughter of Robt. goodwine, button maker, the xxxj^^

day of July. George goodyeare, sonne of John goodyeare, the xxv^*^ day of November. George langton, sonne of W""- langton, the xxx^^ day of November. Margaret tirry, doughter of Olliver tirry, the xiij'^ day of Januarye. henry Addison, sonne of John Adison, Armorer, the xvij^^ day of february. Jane Metcalfe, doughter of Thomas Metcalf, the ix^^ day of March. Thomas kiddall, sonne of W"â„¢- kiddall, the xxiij^^ ^ay of March.

1572- Robert tayler, sonne of Mathew tayler, knitter, was baptized in the

yeare of our lord god 1572. Elizabeth Parker, doughter of Oswald Parker, Cordiner, the xx^^ day of

Aprill. Thomas Parker, sonne of John Parker, notary, the xxviij^*^ day of

September. Alice Bacheler, doughter of Charles Bacheler, glasier, the xxvj^^ day of


ST. martin's (york) registers. 5

Jane geldarde, doughter of Anthony geldarde, Armorer, the xiiij'^ day

of December, katherayne Scott, doughter of John Scott, barber, the xj^'^ day of January. Valentyne PuUeyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, notary, the xv^^ day of

february. Thomas Darley, sonne of John Darley, gent. , the xv^'^ day of March.

1573 Xpneninges. Anne Smith, doughter of Gregory Smith, baker, was baptized the xix^^

day of Aprill. \Vm. goodyeare, sonne of John goodyeare, m^chant, the vij^^ day of June. Robert ffranch, sonne of Robt. ffranch, Cooke, the xvj^^ of August. John langton, sonne of Wittm langton, baker, the sext day of September, katherayne Parker, doughter of Oswald Parker, cordiner, the iiij^^ of

October. Jane Yonge, doughter of Witt'm Yong, the xxv'^ day of December. John lander, sonne of John lander. Attorney, the xxj^^ day of february. Elizabeth Darley, doughter of John Darley, the vij'^ day of March.

^574. henry Smith, sonne of Gregory Smithe, baker, was baptized the xiij^^

day of Aprill. Anne Pulleyne, doughter of Henry Pulleyne, the xxv^*^ day of Aprill. Anne Adison, doughter of John Adison, Armorer, the xvj*^ day of May. Anne Metcalfe, doughter of Thomas Metcalfe, Attorney, the xx^^ day

of June. Elizabeth Scurr, doughter of John Scurr, blacksmithe, the xxix^^ day of

August. Richerd Parker, sonne of John Parker, notary, the third day of October. John brighrh, sonne of W""- brighm, chandler, the tenthe day of October, henry ffaux, sonne of Reynold ffaux, Esquyer, the xxx'^ day of November. Thomas tirry, sonne of Oliver tirry, blacksmith, the xiij'^ day of

December. Mary goodyeare, doughter of John goodyeare, m^chant, the xxvj'^ day

of December. Rauff Scott, sonne of John Scott, barber, the fowrtenth day of Januarye.

1575- Anne Darley, doughter of John Darley, Attorney, was baptized the

xxv*^ day of May. ffrancis Sykes, sonne of John Sykes, yeoman, the xij^^ day of June. Robt. Snawsdayle, sonne of Richerd Snawsdayle, the xiiij^^ day of July. Emot Robson, doughter of Steven Robson, baker, the xxiiij''^ day of July, katherayne geldard, doughter of Anthony geldard, the vij^^ day of August. W"â„¢- Pulleyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, Attorney, the xxviij^^ day of

Auguste. Margaret Smith, doughter of Gregory Smith, baker, the vj'^ day of

October. Margery bulmer, doughter of M"^- [dlank] bulmer, gent., the vj^^ day of

November. Thomas Midleton, sonne of Georg Midleton, Draper, the xiij^^ ^ay of

November. Edward langton, sonne of W*"- langton, baker, the xviij*^ day of November.

6 ST. martin's (york) registers.

Thomas Yong, sonne of W'"- yonge, gent., the xxj^h day of December. Ellen Parker, doughter of Oswald Parker, the ix^^ day of January. Rauff Scurr, sonne of John Scurr, blacksmith, the xx'^ of January. John Cooke, sonne of Ambrose Cooke, sadler, the x^^ day of Marche.

1576 Xpneninges. W"- Darley, sonne of M^- John Darley, Attorney, was baptized the

vij'^ day of July. Thomas ffaux, sonne to Reynold ffaux, Esquyer, the second day of

September. Alexander Metcalfe, sonne to Thomas Metcalfe, Attorney, the viij^^ day

of September. Jane Midleton, Doughter to George Midleton, the xxj'^ day of October. Rob^- Yong, sonne of W'"- Yonge, gent., the ix^^ day of December. Susanna Smith, doughter of Gregory Smithe, Baker, the v^^ day of

Januarye. Mary Adison, doughter of John Adison, Armorer, the x^^ day of January, ffrances Snawsdayle, sonne to Richerd Snawsdayle, the xiiij'^ day of

January. Isabell wilson, doughter of leonerd wilson. Jerkin maker, the xx^^ day

of Januarye. John Bell, sonne of David Bell, tayler, the xxviij'^ day of January. Richerd Pulieyne, sonne of Henry Pulleyne, Attorney, the ix^^ day of


^577- Edmunde Scurr, sonne of John Scurr, Smith, was baptized the xvj'*^

day of Aprill. ffrances Darley, sonne of John Darley, Attorney, the ix*'^ day of June. John hutchenson, sonne of James Hutchenson, the xvj^^ day of June. Agnes Cooke, doughter of Ambrose Cooke, Sadler, the second day of July. Thomas gelderd, sonne of Anthony gelderd, Armorer, the xvj'^ day of

Alice Binkes, doughter of W'"- binkes, baker, the xviij^^ day of July. Wâ„¢- Brighm, sonne to W"^- Brighm, chandler, the xix^^ day of September, katherayne heslerton was baptized the xxvj^^ day of October. Arthure Midleton, sonne of Georg midleton, the xxvij''^ day of December. John Smith, sonne of Gregory Smith, Baker, the xxvij^^ day of January. Elizabeth Pulleyne, doughter to Henry Pulleyne, Attorney, the second day of March.

1578. Eliz. Scurr, doughter of John Scurr, Smithe, was baptized the xxvij^^

day of Aprill. henry Parker, sonne of Oswald Parker, the first day of June. Thomas langton, the xxviij'^ day of June, ffrances Batchelor, the third day of July. Anthony Yonge, the third day of August. Rob'- iJickson, the third day of August. Isabell Scott, the xiij'i> day of August. Mary Darley, the xv'^ day of Auguste. Xpofer Teniswood, the xxvij'^ day of August. Anne Bell, the iiij^^' day of September.

ST. martin's (york) registers. 7

ffrances Payler, the first day of November.

Anne Midleton, doughter of Georg Midleton, the xxj'^ day of December. \Vm- Dicconson, sonne of John Dicconson, the xv]^^ day of January. Henry Wilson, sonne of leonerd Wilson, the xxiij'^ day of Januarye.

1579 Xpneninges. John Scurr, sonne of John Scurr, was baptized the xiiij^h of Aprill. Thomas Metcalfe, the viij^^ (j^y of May.

John geldard, sonne of Anthony geldart, the xij^^ day of Aprill. Jane hutchenson, doughter of James hutchenson, the xj''^ day of August. George Addison, the xix'^ (j^y of August. Elizabeth Binkes, the xviij^^ ^^y Qf August. Elizabeth yonge, the xx^^ day of September. Elizabeth Bacheler, the xv^^ day of November. Elizabeth tenniswood, the iiij'^ day of m^ch. Steven Scot, sonne of John Scott, the viij'^ day of March. Alice ffoxegayle, the xj'^ day of M^ch. Elizabeth Smith, the xxiij^^ day of Marche.

1580. henry Dent was baptized the second day of Aprill. Wâ„¢- Parker, the second day of Aprill. leonard watter, the xx^^ day of May. Anne Wreakes, the xxvj^^ day of June.

Ellen [d/ank], the doughter of Oswould [^/ank], the xj*^ day of August. Emot langton, doughter of W"^- langton, the xviij'^^ day of August, katherayne Paler, doughter of M^- W"^- Payler, the xxj^^ day of October. Richerd Bell, sonne of David bell, the ix'^ day of November. Jane Maxwell, the xxvij*^^ day of November. Mary Dickson, the viij'^ day of December, ffrancis harrison, the x^^ day of January. Myles Geldart, the third day of m^ch. Wm. Brighowse, the iiij'^ day of March. Thomas Midleton, sonne of Georg Midleton, the xxiij^^ day of M^che.

1581. lawrance Allenson, sonne of John Allenson, was baptized the xv^^ day

of June. Peter Wilkinson, the first day of August.

Jane Smith, doughter of Gregory Smithe, Baker, the vij^^ day of August. Mary Bilbowe, doughter of John Bilbowe and Dorathee his wyffe, the

xv^^ day of August. Mariery Wreakes, doughter of Rauff Wreakes, the xxiiij'^ day of August. Barbara Wreakes, doughter of Rauffe Wreakes, the xxiiij'^ day of August. Anne hutchenson, doughter of James hutchenson, the first day of

September. John Tenniswood, sonne of James Tenniswood, the xviij^^ day of

September. Grace tenniswood, doughter of James tenniswood, the xviij^^ day of

September. Arthure Betson, sonne of Gyles Betson, the xxviij'^ day of September. Michaell Betson, sonne of Gyles betson, the xxviij^^ day of September.

8 ST. martin's (york) registers.

Alice luty, daughter of W"â„¢- lutye, the tenth day of November. Willm Binkes, sonne of VV'^- Binkes, the xxviij'^ day of Januarye. Thomas Dent, sonne of Richerd Dent, the xxx^^ ^j^y of January.

1582 Xpneninges. Ellen Wilson, Doughter of leonerd Wilson, was baptized the vj^^ day of

Aprill. Jane Scott, doughter of John Scott, the tenth day of Aprill. Eliz. Metcalfe, doughter of Thomas Metcalfe, the xx^'^ day of May. W'"- Colt man, the xij^^ day of July. Robert waiter, the xxvj'^ day of August. Anne Prynce, the viij'^ day of September.

Thomas kitchin, sonne of George kitchin, the xiij'^ day of September. Anne Paler, the vj'^ day of December. Arthure Benson, the xxiiij^^ day of January.

Roger geldard, sonne of Anthonye Geldard, the xxiiij''^ day of January. Emot hutchenson, the xix*^ day of ffebruary. Anne Bilbow, doughter of John bilbowe and Dorathee his wyif, the

xxvij^^ day of february. Mary Maxewell, the xxiij^^ day of March.

1583. Henry Yonge was baptized the xxx^^ day of March. John ffoxegayle, the xvij''' day of Aprill. Jane Midleton, the ix'^ day of May. Isabell Allenson, the xviij'^ day of May. Elizabeth Coltman, the x^"^ day of July. George luty, the xvij^^ (j^y Qf Julye. Anne ffaux, the third day of August. George Allenson, the third day of October. Isabell Parker, the xiij'^ day of October. John Wittmson, the xix^^ day of October. \V"i. Gerrit, the second day of November. Emmot Wreakes, the xix'^ day of January. Wâ„¢- Bell, the xxv"^^ day of february. ffarefax Prince, the xxviij'^ day of february. John kitchinge, the first day of March.

1584. Edward wilson was baptized the xxv^^ (j^y of Marche. Johan Scott, the vj'^ day of June. Isabell Bilbowe, doughter of John bilbow and Dorathee his wyffe, the

xxiiij*^ day of June. Richerd Midleton, sonne of George Midleton, the xj^^ day of July. George harrison, sonne of Thomas harrison, the xiiij^h day of July. Georg Dent, sonne of Richerd Dent, the xxiiij*'^ day of Julye. Richerd Coltman, sonne of Thomas Coltman, the iij^'^ day of September. Henry Paler, sonne of M*-- W"'- Paler, Esquyer, the xv^^ day of October. Richerd Nelson, the xxvij^^ day of October. James Wilkinson, the xv'^ day of November. Thomas Bewley, the first day of Januarye.

1585. Michaell Bowlinge was baptized the xxv^'^ day of March.

ST. martin's (YORK) REGISTERS. 9

Richerd Allenson, the xxvj^^ day of March.

Easter watter, doughter of Xpofer watter, the xij^^^ day of Aprill.

Marke luty, sonne of W"â„¢- lutye, the xxv^^ day of Aprill.

Dorathee Allenson, the xj^^ day of May.

Jane Binkes, the xij'^ day of May.

Elizabeth Midleton, doughter of Georg Midleton, the v^'^ day of Julye.

John Standeven, sonne of Thomas Standeven, the sext day of July.

katherayne hutchenson, doughter of James hutchenson, the xxxj*^ day

of July. Thomas Dickson, the vj'^ day of September.

Thomas Wittmson, sonne of Peter Willmeson, the vij^^ day of October. \Vm. Wilson, the second day of January. Anthony bilbowe, sonne of John bilbowe and Dorathee his vvyffe, the

tenth day of february. \Vm- Owldcorne, the second day of M^ch.

1586 Xpneninges. Alice geldard was baptized the second day of Aprill. W"i- Allenson, the xxiij'*^ day of Aprill.

John Darley, sonne of John Darley, gent., the xxij^^ day of May. Jane binkes, the second day of June. George Scawbert, the viij'^ day of June. Mary VVeddell, the xxix'*^ day of June. W""- Paler, the third day of July. Jane lutye, the xxv^^ (j^y of Julye.

Anthony Bell, sonne of David Bell, the xv^^ day of August. Richerd Dent, sonne of Richerd dent, the xix^^ day of August. Ellen Porter, doughter of Thomas Porter, the xxvj^^ day of August. John Bowmer, sonne of Thomas Bulmer, the xxix^^ day of October. Edward May, the xxxj'^'^ day of October. Mary Dixon, the first day of November. Mary Waydeson, the xxiij^'^ day of November. Emmot harrison, the second day of Januarye. Thomas Scrafton, the xv^^ day of January.

1587. Margaret Coltman, doughter of Thomas Coltman, was baptized the

ix*^^ day of Aprill. katherayne Standeven, doughter of Thomas Standeven, the xxvj'^ day

of Aprill. Alice Bilbowe, doughter of John bilbow and Dorathee his wyffe, the

xxviij'h day of May. Mathew Readman, sonne of John Readman, the xx^^ day of September. Ellen hutchenson, doughter of James hutchenson, the ix^^ day of

November, katherayne Scawbert, doughter of Simon Scawbert, the xxxj''^ day of

December. Jane Waydeson, the xx'^ day of January. Richerd Buskell, sonne of Thomas Buskell, gent., the xxiij^'^ day of

January. George Scraftone, sonne of Wittm Scraftone, the xj''^ day of february.


ST. martin's (YORK) REGISTERS.

1588 Xpneninges. Richerd Wittmson, sonne of Peter Wittmson, was baptized the iiij^^ day

of Aprill. Elizabeth Allenson, the x'^ day of Aprill. Anne Standeven, Doughter of John Standeven, gent., the xmjth day of

Aprill. ^ r A 'u

Henry May, sonne of Henry May, i\lderman, the x\^^ day of Aprill. Alice Allenson, the xxiij'^ day of Aprill.

Mary Watter, doughter of Xpofer Watter, the xxvij^^ day of Aprill. Anne Wilson, the xvj'*^ day of May. Elizabeth thomlinson, the xvj^^^ day of May. John Bilbowe, sonne of John Bilbow and Dorathee his wyffe, the vij^^

day of June. Elizabeth Rowtlidge, doughter of hector Rowtlidge, the xv^^^ day of June. Jane Siddall, the second day of July. John bewley, the seconde day of Julye.

Thomas Waller, sonne of lancelot waller, the xxix^^ day of July. Anthony gelderd, sonne of Anthonye geldard, the xxix^^ day of Julye. Elizabeth Awne, doughter of Ambrose Awne, the xij'^ day of August. Thomas Bell, sonne of David Bell, the xxvij^^ ^^^y of January. Edith Bowmer, doughter of Thomas Bowmer, the ix'^ day of fifebruary. henry Dixon, the xij^^ day of februarye.

Jane Coltman, doughter of Thomas Coltman, the xvj^^ day of ffebruary. Thomas hutcheson, sonne of James hutchenson, the xij^^ ^ay of March.

1589. Elizabeth harrison was baptized the v^^ day of Aprill. Simon dent, sonne of Richerd Dent, the sext day of Aprill. Ambrose Richerdson, sonne of Thomas Richerdson, the xxvij^^ day of

Aprill. Thomas ffoster, sonne of Xpofer fFoster, the xv*^ day of Aprill. John Buskell, sonne of Thomas Buskell, gent., the xxv*^ day of May. John holmes, sonne of John holmes, vynter, the xvj^^^ day of June. Anne luty, doughter of Wittm lutye, the xix^^ day of June. Anne Weddell, the third day of July.

Dorathee Owtledge, doughter of hector Owtlidge, the ix^^ day of August, ffrancis Scrafton, sonne of W""- Scrafton, the xiiij^^ day of August, henry Scawbert, sonne of Simon Scawbert, the xxviij^^ day of August. Elizabeth Wilman, doughter of W"^- Wilman, the first day of September. Emmot Awne, doughter of Ambrose Awne, the ix'^ day of November, henry Wilson, sonne of leonerde Wilson, the xviij^^ day of December. John knasebroughe, the first day of ffebruary. Elizabeth Wiiimson, doughter of Peter Wittmeson, thexv^^dayoffebruary.

1590. ffrancis Allenson was baptized the ix'^ day of Aprill. Elizabeth Redman, doughter of John Redman, the second day of May. Margaret Richerdson, doughter of Thomas Richerdson, the xiiij^^ day

of June, katherayne Bell, doughter of John bell, the xx^^ day of June. Rauff Buskell, sonne of Thomas Buskell, gent., the tenth day of July. Jane Scraftone, doughter of W'"- Scraftone, the viij'^ day of November.

ST. martin's (yORK) registers. II

Elizabeth ffoster, doughter of Xpofer ffoster, the xxiij'^ day of December. Thomas Coltman, sonne of Thomas Coltman, the xxx'^ day of December, henry Bowmer, sonne of Thomas Bowmer, the xiiij^^ day of January, ffrances Bilbow, doughter of John bilbow and Dorathee his wyffe, the

xiiij^'^ day of March. Thomas Allenson, sonne of heughe Allenson, the xvj'^ day of March.

1591 Xpneninges. Jane Pickering, doughter of Michaell Pickering, was baptized the ix^h

day of Aprill. Christofer Bell, sonne of David bell, the xiij^^ day of May. Michaell Waller, sonne of lancelot Waller, the xxij'^ day of Julye. Thomas Buskell, sonne of Thomas Buskell, gent., the v^^ day of

September, ffrances Scawbert, doughter of Simon Scawbert, the iij^^ day of October. Symond Stubbes, sonne of James Stubbes, the sext day of November. Anne Dixson, the xxj daie Novembre.

Wiitm Scrafton, sonne of Wittm Scrafton, the second daie of Decembre. Elizabethe Rowtlidge, doughter of Hector Rowthdge, the xj daie of

Decembre. Thomas Watter, sonne of Christofer Watter,